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Partner For Change

To tackle the world’s most critical health challenges, it is vital that we bring leaders together from across sectors to investigate, collaborate, and innovate.

Joining the Change Initiative is an unparalleled opportunity to align your organisation with world- class thought leadership and pioneering research at the core of health and life science developments.

Our Objectives:

  • Forge strategic global alliances to leverage resources, expertise, and networks for addressing health challenges comprehensively.
  • Generate world-leading evidence and research, using the discipline of Health Economics.
  • Encourage collaboration across diverse fields to foster holistic approaches to health challenges and drive innovation.
  • Promote the development and adoption of digital health solutions, and innovative approaches to enhance healthcare delivery, disease prevention, and health promotion on a global scale.
  • Prioritise efforts to reduce disparities in access to healthcare, resources, and information across regions and populations, ensuring that interventions are inclusive, equitable, and culturally sensitive.
  • Advocate for evidence-based policies and regulatory frameworks that support health promotion, disease prevention, and the equitable distribution of healthcare resources at national and global levels.


Joining the Change Initiative will enable you and your organisation to:

  • Collaborate with a global network: The Global Health Forum community involves members from around the world and across the health and life sciences sector; by becoming a member, you can interact with these stakeholders at exclusive events and meetings.
  • Join Change Circles: focused on timely global topics, Forum members can join sub-groups to discuss further and explore pertinent issues.
  • Access OHE Expertise: annual allowance of time with OHE experts for brainstorming or sense checking. Exclusive bi-annual member Insight Roundtables: Organised on cutting-edge topics, e.g. Cell & Gene Therapies, the Inflation Reduction Act, and Vaccine developments.
  • Be the first to influence Research for Change: members have exclusive pre-access to research results alongside additional exclusive insights and knowledge on key related topics.
  • Ability to shape the development of and early access to a new AI tool: Providing unique insights on Health Technology Assessment (HTA) decision-making of current and future interventions.
  • Receive the quarterly Digital Change Magazine: with exclusive insights from policymakers, first- hand research and commentary on global changes.


Beyond the outputs detailed above, your organisation will more widely benefit from its investment in the following ways:

  • Drive

    Drive your organisation’s global ESG and CSR commitments, enhancing your organisation’s reputation as a socially responsible actor, building brand equity, and contributing positive global change. 

  • Invest

    Invest in pioneering global health research programmes, developing novel approaches to critical global health challenges benefitting the population and ultimately leading to a healthier and more productive society.

  • Identify

    Identify and support ground-breaking approaches to issues such as the Climate Crisis, Antimicrobial Resistance and Obesity, providing positive economic, social and environmental change around the world.

  • Strengthen

    Strengthen and enhance your place in a global network of health and life science experts, forging cross-sector collaborations and driving global action.

  • Shape

    Shape the future of health investments and innovations, providing your organisation with first access to pioneering research and critical links to decision-makers.

Become A Partner

For more information please contact: Charlotte Ashton – Director of External Affairs, OHE